Welcome to the Brisbane South HealthPathways Project site

This site assists with the management of the Brisbane South HealthPathways program. It includes information about how HealthPathways is developed locally, how you can access it, and how it can help you in your clinical work. 

What is Brisbane South HealthPathways?

Brisbane South HealthPathways provides clinicians in the greater Brisbane South catchment with web-based information outlining the assessment, management and referral of more than 600 conditions. Click on the image to the right to see an example pathway.

HealthPathways is based on an initiative from the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) in Christchurch, New Zealand, where it has contributed to significant improvements in the way hospitals and general practice share the care and management of patients. It is designed to be used at point of care primarily by general practitioners but is also available to specialists, nurses, allied health and other health professionals.

The HealthPathways portal is not designed for patient use, therefore a username and password is only provided to clinicians. However, many of the pathways do contain information for patients which can be printed off and given to patients at  the time of consultation.

Please click on the image above to see a pathway.

Important information about using HealthPathways

Brisbane South HealthPathways is an enabler for joined up care.  HealthPathways content is being progressively localised to the Brisbane South region through collaborations between general practitioners, hospital specialists, allied health and nursing providers, non-government organisations and peak bodies.

Pathways that have not yet been localised for Brisbane South, will display an alert banner (shown below) to denote that the content was developed in New Zealand.

New Zealand pathways may contain useful condition management information. However, please use your clinical judgement as to the appropriateness for your patient and the Brisbane South region. Please keep this in mind whilst viewing the site.

Find out more about how pathways are developed here.

HealthPathways access

Visit Brisbane South HealthPathways by clicking on the button below:

A username and password is required to access Brisbane South HealthPathways. If you do not have one, please contact us at

Watch our videos

Find out more about how to get started on Brisbane South HealthPathways:


COVID-19 Response

See how Brisbane South HealthPathways is supporting your local practice by providing the latest COVID-19 information and Primary Care advice. 

Get involved

You can contact the Brisbane South HealthPathways team at BrisbaneSouthHealthPathways@health.qld.gov.au to:

  • Make a suggestion or send us feedback
  • Get involved in developing a pathway
  • Request a pathway to be localised or developed.

Our partners

An initiative of Metro South Health and Brisbane South PHN in partnership with Mater Health Services and Children’s Health Queensland. Brisbane South HealthPathways is only possible with the support of Clinical Excellence Queensland who provide statewide funding to support the implementation of HealthPathways across Queensland, and our various other regional, state, private and non-government health care partners. Find out more about our partners here.